Now entering Pasternia!

Far across the sea is this wondrous continent home to hope, joy, and colorful equines of all kinds! You are invited to discover the different lands, meet the inhabitants, and learn about the magical essences of both ponies and enchanted critters. Life in Pasternia is all about helping one another, thriving in harmony with the environment, and of course following your dreams!


Not too long ago, ponies lived in peace and harmony magnified by their newfound magic. Even when a nefarious Pegacorn plotted to steal everyone's magic for herself, she was eventually defeated and sealed away in a great tree. However, one day she managed to escape--or be set free by an unknown rogue--and this time, she succeeded at her dark plans to rob everyone of their magic and reign over all.

While many ponies hold out hope for the evil Pegacorn to be vanquished once again, others no longer felt safe and decided to venture out across the oceans in search of a better life. One vessel with a small group of ponies ended up on Pasternia, a beautiful continent that was even better than what they had wished for. This continent is watched over by Flurry, a good and pure Pegacorn who released her magic into the land itself hundreds of moons ago. Now, everyone who steps hoof on Pasternia is blessed with their own share of magic which is called their Essence. With this, the wandering ponies could begin their lives anew, make friends, adjust to unfamiliar powers, and find their places in their fabulous new home!

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